



  I’d like to hire a bike this weekend.


  A What are your plans for the weekend?

  A 你这个周末的计划是什么?

  B I’d like to hire a bike. I think it would be a good idea to do some cycling on Sunday.

  B 我想租一辆自行车。我想在周日的时候去骑自行车将是一个不错的主意。

  A If the weather’s fine . . .

  A 如果天气好的话. . .

  B I’m sure it will be. It’s been good so far this week.

  B 我肯定天气一定会好的。这周的天气一直不错。

  A I know a good place to hire bikes if you want.

  A 如果你想租自行车的话我知道一个租车的好地方。

  B Thanks. That would be really helpful.

  B 谢谢。那太好了。

  A But remember, be careful when you ride a bike. The traffic in Beijing can be dangerous.

  A 但是请记住,骑车的时候要小心。北京的交通很危险。

  Notes   注释

  1 Remember how to ask about someone’s future plans: What are your plans for the weekend? / What are your plans for the weekend?; What are your plans for tomorrow? / What are your plans for tomorrow?

  记住怎样问某人未来的计划:What are your plans for the weekend? /你这个周末的计划是什么?: What are your plans for tomorrow? / 你明天的计划是什么?

  2 You can use hire / hire or rent / rent: I’d like to hire a bike. / I’d like to hire a bike; I’d like to rent a bike. / I’d like to rent a bike.

  你可以用hire / 租或者 rent / 租: I’d like to hire a bike. /我想租一辆自行车; I’d like to rent a bike. /我想租一辆自行车。

Key phrases and sentences

What are your plans for the weekend.

I’d like to hire a bike.

I think it would be a good idea to do some cycling on Sunday.

If the weather’s fine . . .

I’m sure it will be.

It’s been good so far this week.

I know a good place to hire bikes if you want.

Thanks. That would be really helpful.

But remember, be careful when you ride a bike.

The traffic in Beijing can be dangerous.





如果天气好的话. . .








  It’s better to take a guided tour.


  A Is it expensive to take a taxi to the Ming Tombs and the Summer Palace?

  A 乘出租车去明十三陵和颐和园贵吗?

  B Yes . . . but there’s a better way.

  B 是的. . . 但是去那里有一个更好的方法。

  A To go to both the Ming Tombs and the Summer Palace?

  A 明十三陵和颐和园都能去吗?

  B Yes. It’s probably quite expensive, too. . . but it’s much nicer and easier.

  B 是的。可能也很贵…不过更好,也更容易一些。

  A What is it?

  A 那是什么方法?

  B A guided tour. It’s better to take a guided tour. Your hotel arranges everything.

  B 跟旅行团走。最好有导游。你所住的饭店能安排所有的事情。

  A Good idea. Sounds better.

  A 好主意。听起来更好一些。

  Notes 注释

  1 Remember the comparative form: There’s a better way. / There’s a better way; It’s much nicer and easier. / It’s much nicer and easier.

  记住形容词的比较级形式:There’s a better way. / 有一个更好的方法; It’s much nicer and easier. / 更好也更容易。

  2 You can ask about the price of something in various ways, e.g. Is it expensive? / Is it expensive?; Is it more expensive . . . ? / Is it more expensive . . . ?; Is it cheap? / Is it cheap?; Is it cheaper . . .? / Is it cheaper . . . ?

  你可以用不同的方法问某物的价格,例如:Is it expensive? / . . .贵吗?; Is it more expensive . . . ? /. . . 更贵吗?; Is it cheap? / Is it cheap?; Is it cheaper . . .? / . . . 便宜吗?

Key phrases and sentences

Is it expensive to take a taxi to the Ming Tombs and the Summer Palace?

Yes . . . but there’s a better way.

To go to both the Ming Tombs and the Summer Palace?

Yes. It’s probably quite expensive, too. . . but it’s much easier and nicer.

What is it?

A guided tour.

It’s better to take a guided tour.

Your hotel arranges everything.

Good idea. Sounds better.



是的. . . 但是去那里有一个更好的方法。









  Why don’t you walk?


  A Let’s meet tonight at the Thai restaurant. About 7.

  A 咱们今晚在泰国餐馆见。大约7点。

  B Fine. I’ll take a taxi.

  B 好。我会打出租车去。

  A Why don’t you walk? It’s only about 20 minutes walking and it’s a nice evening.

  A 你为什么不步行呢?步行只要大约20分钟,何况今晚如此怡人。

  B Never thought about it. I suppose you are right. It’s quite a short walk.

  B 从没想过步行。我想你是对的。步行也不远。

  A And it’s good exercise! You’ll enjoy your dinner more.

  A 而且步行是很好的锻炼!你晚饭会吃得更香。

  B That’s true. Maybe I’ll do more walking in Beijing. Get less taxis a to keep fit.

  B 那一定。也许我在北京将多走一走。少坐出租车,身体会很棒。

  Notes 注释

  1 Remember another way to make a suggestion: Why don’t you . . . ? / Why don’t you . . .? e.g. Why don’t you walk? / Why don’t you walk?; Why don’t we meet at 8? / Why don’t we meet at 8?

  记住提出建议的另一种方法:Why don’t you . . . ? / 你为什么不 . . .? 例如: Why don’t you walk? / 你为什么不步行呢?; Why don’t we meet at 8? /我们为什么不在8点见面呢?

  2 To describe how long a journey might take, you can say: It’s about 20 minutes walking. / It’s about 20 minutes walking; It’s about 10 minutes by taxi. / It’s about 10 minutes by taxi; It’s two hours by plane. / It’s two hours by plane.

  要描述旅程大约需要的时间,你可以说:It’s about 20 minutes walking. / 步行大约需要20分钟; It’s about 10 minutes by taxi / 坐出租车大约需要10分钟; It’s two hours by plane. / 乘飞机需要2小时。

Key phrases and sentences

Let’s meet tonight at the Thai restaurant. About 7.

Fine. I’ll take a taxi.

Why don’t you walk?

It’s only about 20 minutes walking and

it’s a nice evening.

Never thought about it.

I suppose you are right.

It’s quite a short walk.

And it’s good exercise!

You’ll enjoy your dinner more.

That’s true.

Maybe I’ll do more walking in Beijing.

Get less taxis to keep fit.















  I’ll meet you in front of the bookshop.


  A What time shall we meet tonight?

  A 我们今晚什么时间见面?

  B About 7 should be fine. Where’s best for you to meet?

  B 大约7点比较合适。在哪里见面对你合适?

  A Anywhere in Wangfujing Street would be good.

  A 在王府井大街的任何地方都合适。

  B Ok. I’ll meet you in front of the bookshop at 7. Is that ok for you?

  B 好。我7点在书店门前等你。好吗?

  A Perfect. See you then.

  A 好极了。到时候见。

  Notes   注释

  1 There are many ways to specify a location or position, e.g. in front of . . . / in front of . . .; just outside . . . / just outside . . . ; I’ll meet you in front of the bookshop. / I’ll meet you in front of the bookshop.

  要指出确切的地点或者位置有很多种方法,例如:in front of . . . / 在. . .的前面; just outside . . . / 就在 . . .的外面; I’ll meet you in front of the bookshop. /我将在书店前面等你。

  2 Remember ways of agreeing later meetings: See you then. / See you then.; See you later. / See you later.

  记住说同意以后见面的方法:See you then. / 到时候见;See you later. / 回见。

Key phrases and sentences

What time shall we meet tonight?

About 7 should be fine.

Where’s best for you to meet?

Anywhere in Wangfujing Street would be good.

Ok. I’ll meet you in front of the bookshop at 7.

Is that ok for you?

Perfect. See you then.

See you later.











  It’s next to the Mongolian restaurant.


  A How was your dinner last night? Was it a good restaurant?

  A 你昨晚的晚餐怎么样?那家餐馆好吗?

  B Yes, it was very good. I really like Vietnamese food.

  B 是的,非常好。我非常喜欢越南菜。

  A Sounds good. I’d like to try it. Where is the restaurant exactly?

  A 听起来不错。我也想尝一尝。那家餐馆的确切位置在哪里?

  B Well, you know that Mongolian restaurant we went to last week?

  B 哦,你知道我们上周去的那家蒙古餐馆吧?

  A Yes, is it near that?

  A 是的,离那里很近吗?

  B Yes, it’s beside it. It’s next to the Mongolian restaurant.

  B 是的,就在它旁边。在那家蒙古餐馆的隔壁。

  Notes 注释

  1 There are many ways to specify a location or position, e.g. beside / beside; next to / next to; It’s next to the Mongolian restaurant. / It’s next to the Mongolian restaurant.

  要指出确切的地点或者位置有很多种方法,例如:beside / 在…旁边; next to / 在…的隔壁;It’s next to the Mongolian restaurant. / 在那家蒙古餐馆的隔壁。

  2 You can also ask about the position of a place or something by saying: Is it near . . .? / Is it near . . . ? e.g. Is it near the restaurant? / Is it near the restaurant?; Is it near the hotel? / Is it near the hotel?

  你还可以这样问某个地点的位置:Is it near . . .? / 它在 . . . 的附近吗? 例如: Is it near the restaurant? / 它在那家餐馆的附近吗?; Is it near the hotel? / 在旅店的附近吗?    

Key phrases and sentences

How was your dinner last night? Was it a good restaurant?

Yes, it was very good.

I really like Vietnamese food.

Sounds good. I’d like to try it.

Where is the restaurant exactly?

Well, you know that Mongolian restaurant we went to last week?

Yes, is it near that?

Yes, it’s beside it.

It’s next to the Mongolian restaurant.












  It’s opposite the hotel.


  A Do you know a good sports shop?

  A 你知道哪家体育商店好吗?

  B Yes. There’re lots of good sports shops. In fact, there’s one very near your hotel.

  B 是的。有很多家好的体育商店。事实上,有一家离你住的旅馆非常近。

  A Is there? Where exactly?

  A 是吗?确切位置在哪里?

  B In the shopping mall, which is opposite the hotel. Straight across the road.

  B 在旅馆对面的购物中心里。就在马路的正对面。

  A Do you know which floor?

  A 你知道在几楼吗?

  B On the third or fourth floor. I can’t remember exactly, but it’s a good shop.

  B 在三楼或者四楼。我记不太清了,但是那是一家不错的商店。

  Notes   注释

  1 There are many ways to specify a location or position, e.g. opposite / opposite; across / across; The shopping mall, which is opposite the hotel. / The shopping mall, which is opposite the hotel.; Straight across the road. / Straight across the road.

  要指出确切的地点或者位置有很多种方法,例如:opposite / 在…的对面;across / 穿过; The shopping mall, which is opposite the hotel. / 旅馆对面的购物中心;Straight across the road. / 马路的正对面。

  2 If you are in doubt about the exact detail of something, you can say: I can’t remember exactly. / I can’t remember exactly.

  如果你对某事的细节有疑问,你可以说:I can’t remember exactly. / 我记不清了。

Key phrases and sentences

Do you know a good sports shop?

Yes. There’re lots of good sports shops. In fact, there’s one very near your hotel.

Is there? Where exactly?

In the shopping mall, which is opposite the hotel.

Straight across the road.

Do you know which floor?

On the third or fourth floor.

I can’t remember exactly, but it’s a good shop.










